Business Intelligence

Helping you make decisions that will benefit your business.

Turn data into
actionable insights

We help our customers transform data into actionable insights to help inform strategic and tactical business decisions. Euler offers a broad portfolio of tools to help collect, analyse, and present data in an easy to digest format. In short, we provide users with detailed intelligence of their business.

We believe you shouldn’t need to be a statistician or a data scientist to understand what’s happening in your organisation. That’s why at Euler, our tools help you to bring insights to everyone.

Business Intelligence Tools


Sisense allows you to analyse large amounts of disparate data. Built as an agile business intelligence solution, Sisense will give you the tools to support and manage your businesses data with analytics and visuals.

Microsoft Azure

Cloud computing platforms are amazing, they enable customers to develop solutions and combine technologies at almost any scale. From the most modest data science proof of concept to an enterprise-wide ERP, the possibilities are endless. What’s not to like?

Useful resources

WHITEPAPER – Using data-driven business intelligence to improve the customer experience

30 Apr 2021

In today’s competitive landscape, business intelligence (BI) can be invaluable in delivering better business insights and helping…

Euler Achieves Microsoft Azure Gold Status in Data Analytics

31 Aug 2021

We’re delighted to announce that we have been awarded gold competency status for our expertise in data…

Is your marketing strategy based on strong data analytics?

7 May 2021

Data analytics is not always something you would associate with creating a marketing strategy. The hard evidence…