Next Best Offer uses customer data to provide personalised product recommendations and tailored promotions, boosting conversion rates...
Savvy brands are leveraging customer data and analytics to segment audiences and orchestrate hyper-personalised experiences across channels...
Customer experience (CX) is critical for business success. Though individual interactions provide limited data, combined customer data...
At a time when customers are spoiled for choice, it’s vital to ensure that your customers have...
Designing your data migration properly is key to its success. But what steps should you take to...
Regardless of how far along your data migration project is, it’s important to consider the benefits such...
We explore why the recent downtime of the UK’s Air Traffic Control System might have been caused...
This article shares out top 6 reasons why a single customer view can benefit your business, covering...
This article shares practical guidance to help you enact ethical data-driven targeting, so it’s present in every...