Operational Outsourcing


More hands on the project when you need it.

Maintaining your
competitive advantage

Do you have a non-technical team who need to understand what your data means and why it applies to them? Or do you have a technical team who need to simplify data for non-technical stakeholders to understand?

Our team of consultants helps you create the right delivery mechanism which gets the message across, and be there to support you while you share your findings.


Metered Analytics

Demand for analysis, reporting requests and data driven campaign selections is rising and exceeding supply, but with limited or sudden changes to your resource capabilities how can you meet this head on and deliver it?

This is an all too familiar problem that we have seen with other clients and as a result, a unique service called Metered Analytics was evolved to alleviate under resourced work and upskill internal business units when required.

Metered Analytics is designed to help Euler customers:

  • Fulfill under resourced business functions
  • Utilise additional expertise in data, campaign selections, analysis and insight
  • Access flexible, hands on remote support
  • Remote or Collaborative working with hands on knowledge transfer
  • Gain analysis and insight from a simple support ticket system, rather than complex brief

How does it work?

Metered analytics can be deployed on an hour-by-hour basis. There is no additional cost or hidden charges, you pay for what you use.