
Reactivating their long lapsed supporters through modelling.

Key Results

The outcome in numbers

increase in response rate
higher average donation value
greater donation value for target segment
up on their target

The Challenge

Barnardo’s actually held very little information on the long-lapsed supporters. Some of this data was up to 25 years old and much of the account history had been lost over the decades.

It was important Euler didn’t break the mailing business rules of the many fundraising teams across Barnardo’s. Many of the long lapsed supporters of up to 8 years were still being targeted by some of the teams and to prevent over-mailing it was important these people were not included in the campaign. Of the 2.7m names supplied, only 905,000 were finally allowed to be considered for mailing.

Barnardo’s also wanted to test a new message on their prospects and long lapsed supporters. A focus on young carers was proving to be very successful message for fundraising, particularly in a gift box pack mailing format, however it was suspected this message and format wasn’t hitting home across all target market segments. Barnardo’s wanted to test the success of alternative causes and an alternative format. Working with the Royal Mail and An Abundance, an agency who specialise in societal marketing, Barnardo’s decided to test how effective a hard hitting message focussed on child sexual exploitation would be using a cheaper, traditional letter format.

Finally, to support the new message and mailing format, working in conjunction with their sister company Euler Direct, Euler were challenged to identify new sources of prospect data that would outperform their traditional banker lists.

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